sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

The Reality, a Nightmare...

   Have you ever thought about the reality? Have you ever wanted to escape this?...

Well, I don't know if I'm weird or a dreamer, but I feel as if everything were too real.
   Everything is always the same: get up, go to study, eat, go home and sleep...
   There's nothing special, WOOOWW or out of the ordinary. They say me that I'm a bit crazy, and I know it, they say me that I'm a dreamer, and I like this part of me... but I can't understand them when they tell me to stop dreaming or thinking about thing that don't exist! I know that vampires don't exist, that werewolfs neither, but that doesn't mean that i should stop thinking about it. Although I know that these things aren't real, I would love to live in a world like this, in a wolrd where magic exist, a world where nothing was boring, because I'm tired of so much normal life, of that everything is predetermined, I'm fed up with reality!! I want a little bit of magic in my life, I hope to meet somebody or something that shows me another completely different world, that distances me of reality... Because if I stop believing that there're supernatural thing, I will become someone who I don't want to be, someone without dreams, without magic... someone who is empty, for me.

So, if you think that the reality is boring, if you believe in supernatural or magic things, don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to do it!!!

Song: Superheroes!!!

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