domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

OMG!!! Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf !!!

Long ago my sister said me "You have to watch Teen Wolf!!". At that time I was obsessed with The Vampire Diaries, yeah, I only could think about Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Elena, Caroline... but above all about Damon!!! I remember that I was convinced this serie would be very boring, because the protagonist didn't seem very hot, I thought it would be just like all the werewolves films: wolves, full moons, deaths and very long nights...
But... IT'S REALLY AMAZING!!! Well, there're wolves, full moons and deaths, but there're also good hunters (Argent), and  (except in the first episodes) the protagonist is very cute!! (Scott), but there're also other really really hot guys!!!

Now I'm watchiing the fifth season, which is the last season for now, but I think that there will be another season... well, at the moment, my favourite characters are: Stiles ( human/ really hot - he's very cute and the best friend you can have), Derek ( werewolf/ really hot - he's very sarcastic but he's always worried about others even though he doesn't want to display it), Lydia (banshee - Malia (weerewoman - she always says what she thinks!!)... There a lot of hot guys like Isaac!!!, but now I'm really obsessed with Liam!!!, he's... amazing... really cute!!!

Well, this is my opinion but, if you have time and you don't know what you have to watch... Stop thinking!!! YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! You only have to see the characters and you will want to watch Teen Wolf!!!

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

I Have To Change!!! And I Don't Wanna Fall In Love!!!

I love myself, okay?, but... (and I hate this but) I have something wrong inside me!!!
Well, this is the problem: I'm not able to control me!!! I tell me once and again that I have to change and be less impulsive... but when the moment comes is as I forget everithing what I had decided, and I always fall!!!
On the other hand, I'm not a shy person, but I'm not a talkative person neither, I feel as if I had two characters inside me, one of them appears only when I'm with people my age (this character is false and I hate this part of me), and the other character is really me, but this only appears when I'm with my family or with shy people... OMG!!!! 
Because of my problem, I've never spoken much with boys, so I have never fallen in love with anyone and, of course, no one has fallen in love with me...
But,,, I have a question: Falling in love doesn't hurt??? Love doesn't cause pain?? And, Why do people like to be in love? I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THEM!!!
However, I think that I'm starting to fall in love with someone... but I don't want this to happen!! First, because I'm sure that he never will be in love with me; second, because I'm sure that he is already in love with someone else; third, because we are very different; and finally, because I'm not in love with him... He's weird, too funny, too sociable, more intelligent than me, good.looking... I want to say that I MUST forget him before that I love him really... and lose the game...

So, I'm not going to allow him to win the game,because, for me, if you are one of the most intelligent, and he's too, you don't have to fall in love, because he will win you, he will have everything, including you...

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

It's Always The Same!!!

I know that I'm not a sympathetic or a funny person and, above all, I don't think that I'm perfect!!
I've accepted that i'm intelligent, hardworking and responsible, but... I'm sick and tired of people always tell me the same: "You're very studious!!" (and I don't study hard...), "I want to be like you and get the same marks!!", "You're really responsible", "You're very inteligent and hardworking!"... and it's always he same... hardworking, responsible, hardworking, responsible, hardworking... AAAHHH!!!

All my life I had to hear that I was the perfect student, yeah, all the teachers and my classmates could only see a part of me and they never bothered to know me. In those days, I decided to wear a mask and pretend that everithing was okay, and they thought that I was shy (but I'm the opposite of shy!!) and I accepted it.
Actually, I wanna take this mask, but it's part of me... It's too late. When I'm at school the mask appears (although I don't want) and when I'm at home my real myself defeat the mask, and that is the only moment that I feel free.

So... this is my battle!! And I hope to be the winner, because I want to have close friends someday...

Song: Perfect

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

I Heard that the Revenge isn't the Solution...

I heard that the Revenge isn't the solution... but, Why not??
Yeah, I want to say that I think that if someone hurts you, you should hurt him/her too.
Well, I don't think it really... but I think that when you're hurt, you have to get over it, but you mustn't forget!!!
You have to try to be better than him/her, you have to pretend that everything is OK, you have to get over and you don't have to think about it anymore... and after all this, you will know that you're fine, because if you get better and overcome yourself, you will know that you're better that him/her too!!!

I know that there're people who can do harm unintentionally, and I don't talk about a physical pain or love, so you don't hurt him/her/them directly, NO! It's illogical!, because they didn't want to do it!
Simply, you have to make them see you, you have to make them realise that you aren't a weak person, and finally, those people who once ignored you will want your attention, and that will be your moment!!

But, I also want to tell you something else: Don't forget to be a good person... hahaha    

Song: Cry me a river

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Love?? OMG NO! No...?

I know this is a cliché amb I'm sorry, but I have to say it!!!
Okay... This is the question: How do you know that you're in love?? How do you know you like someone??

I don't feel butterflies in my stomach, I didn't feel as if everything stops at the moment that I saw him and I don't feel like my heart jumps whenever I'm near him... Just nothing...
But... (and I hate this but) I want he looks at me... I want to be his friend, I want to be important for him... OMG!! I don't want to be INVISIBLE!!!
I know that I don't know anything about love - I'm a bit hopeless at this - but when I near him I'm feel and act weird... Yeah!! And the worst thing is that I can't control me! In those moments I'm feel shy, my words simply don't wanna leave my mouth, and I have to concentrate to be able to look normal and not looking a freak...
I think that it's not love really, maybe I only like his personality, because he's funny, bold, intelligent, sociable and like a kid, because it's as if he doesn't care about what others think... He's the opposite to me, and he's what I wanna be...
So... this is the trouble: Am I in love with him?? or I'm in love with what he represents for me??
Well, finally, I can only find the answer... and this is a shit...

Song: The Memory

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

Valentine's Day, A Normal Day...

Every year, I hear a thousand girls worry about the arrival of Valentine's day... I can't understand them, I can't understand why they think so much on this day, why they are depressed by not having a partner on this day...
Frankly, I don't think that being single on Valentine's day is the worse thing that can happen to you... I'm tired of people who look for a boyfriend or girlfriend only to this day, as if not having couple would mean that you aren't happy!!!

For me, actually, a good Valentine's day is being with friends or family, eating the chocolate that you have bought, going to a nice place and watching a hilarious film!! 
Who care about not having partner??? It's O-K-A-Y!!! If you have it, it's great, and if you don't, too!!! 
Don't think that being single means that nobody loves you, because there's always that person who couldn't live without you!!! You are the most important, you have to love yourself, don't forget it!!!

So, don't worry about a single day of the year, don't think "Who will I be that day with if I don't have a partner?? You can be your own love!, because who is more important than yourself?? ANYONE!! Remember it ;)

Song: True Love

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

The Reality, a Nightmare...

   Have you ever thought about the reality? Have you ever wanted to escape this?...

Well, I don't know if I'm weird or a dreamer, but I feel as if everything were too real.
   Everything is always the same: get up, go to study, eat, go home and sleep...
   There's nothing special, WOOOWW or out of the ordinary. They say me that I'm a bit crazy, and I know it, they say me that I'm a dreamer, and I like this part of me... but I can't understand them when they tell me to stop dreaming or thinking about thing that don't exist! I know that vampires don't exist, that werewolfs neither, but that doesn't mean that i should stop thinking about it. Although I know that these things aren't real, I would love to live in a world like this, in a wolrd where magic exist, a world where nothing was boring, because I'm tired of so much normal life, of that everything is predetermined, I'm fed up with reality!! I want a little bit of magic in my life, I hope to meet somebody or something that shows me another completely different world, that distances me of reality... Because if I stop believing that there're supernatural thing, I will become someone who I don't want to be, someone without dreams, without magic... someone who is empty, for me.

So, if you think that the reality is boring, if you believe in supernatural or magic things, don't let anyone tell you that you don't have to do it!!!

Song: Superheroes!!!